First Grade
A Part of Something Bigger
Developmentally speaking, first graders are moving away from an egocentric self and becoming aware that they are part of something bigger; part of a community. In first grade, we continue to work on a better understanding of and empathy for others, and self-regulation. In addition to a focus on regulating emotions, managing one’s body in space as well as one’s own personal belongings are important for first graders.
Being able to open and close one’s snack and lunch containers, tie one’s shoes, pack up one’s backpack at the day's end help a student feel strong and capable. We focus on expanding language skills that promote self-advocacy as well as a shared sense of community. A first-grade mantra is: Together we’re better because we’re better, together! There is much to learn across the content areas, so another important goal centers around taking perceived risks. We aim to help students develop a positive outlook toward “trying something that feels tricky” and welcoming a potential mistake. In fact, we think that mistakes are such an important part of learning that we have developed a “mistake dance” in order to celebrate them!
First Grade Highlights
- Community and Identity
- Writing Workshop
- Flashlight Friday
- Thinking like a Scientist