In preparation for the upcoming school year, we are now collecting all health, allergy, and emergency contact information for our students.
This year, we are once again partnering with Magnus Health to collect all student medical information. Magnus will sync with our school information system and family portal to provide the most accurate health information to you and the appropriate faculty and staff at the school. We are also excited that Magnus Health will be a "one-stop-shop" for all school forms, including field trip permissions, athletic agreements, outdoor education trips, and other school-related forms.
Please complete the required health forms by Tuesday, August 6.
Step 1: Review Your Contact Information
Before filling out the Magnus Health Form, please log into the
Veracross Family Portal and review your contact information under "My Household" --> "Update Family Profile" --> "My Personal Contact Information."
Two important notes about this step:
You must have a mobile phone and email entered for each parent/guardian - these are required by Magnus.
If you make changes to your phone or email, you will need to wait until the next day to fill out the Magnus Health Forms. If no changes are needed, you can proceed to the next step.
Family Portal Access for Incoming Families
All incoming families now have access to the
Veracross Family Portal. Parents and guardians who have not already set up an account should have received a welcome email from Veracross with instructions to create a password. All usernames are
firstname.lastname. If you have any issues logging in, please contact Shoshannah Hoffman at
Step 2: Fill Out Your Child's Health Forms
You now have access to your Magnus Health account through the
Westside Family Portal (see instructions below). To help us prepare for the start of school, we ask that you enter and submit all required health information and forms within Magnus for each child attending Westside
by Tuesday, August 6.
Please allow 20 to 30 minutes per child, depending on the circumstances for new students. Returning students will only require a review of information and updated authorizations, so the process will be more streamlined. Families will receive weekly reminders if there are outstanding items after August 8.
Accessing your Magnus Health Account
On the
Westside Family Portal, click the green "Magnus Health Link" button on the right-hand side of the homepage and log in using your Veracross Family Portal username and password. On your first visit to Magnus, you will be prompted to watch a short video that walks you through navigating the site and the process for submitting all required information. You can also access a help desk by selecting "Need help?" in the upper right-hand corner.
Questions or Problems?
If you are having difficulty navigating the Magnus system, entering data online, or downloading the hardcopy cover sheets and forms, or if you have any other questions, please contact customer support at Magnus Health SMR by phone at 877.461.6831 or by email at If you have any health form specific questions, please contact Registrar,
Christie VanSkike.