Faculty and Staff

Westside School educators and staff are the backbone of the school. They are directly responsible for delivering the mission of Westside School to our students everyday, in every interaction. Our teaching and learning teams are committed to the success of every student.

Because of our small class sizes, Westside School faculty develop a close teaching relationship with every student in their class. Across all grades, teachers encourage students to explore, collaborate, unleash and express their imaginations.

1 2 > showing 1 - 70 of 85 constituents
Tina  Abrams

Tina Abrams

Laura Anderson

Laura Anderson

Director of Finance and Operations
Jaime Anongos

Jaime Anongos

Middle School Math Teacher
Lisa Arnold

Lisa Arnold

Eighth Grade Humanities Teacher
Anita Bennett

Anita Bennett

Preschool Teacher
Travis Bingaman

Travis Bingaman

3rd Grade Teacher
Christine Bingham

Christine Bingham

Middle School Art Teacher
Charlie Bolinger

Charlie Bolinger

Instructional Assistant
Allison Breeze

Allison Breeze

7/8 Science Teacher
Sarah Brown

Sarah Brown

Extended Day Program Staff
Sigrid Brunet

Sigrid Brunet

5th Grade Humanities Teacher
Nicole Caden

Nicole Caden

Director of Advancement
August Chandler

August Chandler

Pre-Kindergarten Assistant Teacher
Kim Chau

Kim Chau

Maintenance Staff
Vito Chiechi

Vito Chiechi

Instructional Assistant
Teresa Colell

Teresa Colell

Lower School and Early Learning Spanish Teacher
Jennifer Cortez

Jennifer Cortez

Learning Support Specialist
McKenzie Craig

McKenzie Craig

Early Learning Division Head
Steve de Beer

Steve de Beer

Head of School
Andrew DeLappe

Andrew DeLappe

Facilities Manager
Erika Diaz

Erika Diaz

Preschool Instructional Assistant
Francine Diles

Francine Diles

Instructional Assistant
Chay Dixon

Chay Dixon

Director of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging
Mallary Duplant

Mallary Duplant

Middle School Learning Specialist
Denise Dyette

Denise Dyette

First Grade Teacher
Carl Edwards

Carl Edwards

Middle School Music Teacher, Arts Department Chair
Adam Elder

Adam Elder

Director of Counseling and Social and Emotional Learning
Tyler Evans

Tyler Evans

Fourth Grade Teacher

Jen Fecht

Lily Gillespie

Lily Gillespie

Pre-Kindergarten Teacher
Gina Griffiths

Gina Griffiths

Lower School Art Teacher
Emily Halley

Emily Halley

4th Grade Teacher
Meghan Harshman

Meghan Harshman

Lower School Learning Specialist, Curriculum Coordinator
Kelsey Haskell

Kelsey Haskell

EL & LS PE Teacher
Rebecca Henry

Rebecca Henry

1st Grade Teacher
Scott Herman

Scott Herman

5th & 6th Grade Science Teacher
Shoshannah Hoffman

Shoshannah Hoffman

Communications & Marketing Associate
Lusi Hong

Lusi Hong

Middle School Mandarin Teacher
Josie Horn

Josie Horn

Human Resource Specialist
Jeffie Lou Jackson

Jeffie Lou Jackson

Dance Teacher
Savanah Jordan

Savanah Jordan

Seventh Grade Humanities Teacher
Amanda Kirk-Woodbury

Amanda Kirk-Woodbury

Instructional Assistant
David Koch

David Koch

Middle School Theater Teacher
Mary Kratz

Mary Kratz

Director of Experiential Education and Curriculum Specialist
Jessica Krueger

Jessica Krueger

Middle School Division Head
Leo Lai

Leo Lai

Director of Auxiliary Programs & Risk Management
Michael Le

Michael Le

Director of Technology
Heidi Lennstrom

Heidi Lennstrom

Instructional Assistant
Kelly Liu

Kelly Liu

Lower School Mandarin Teacher
Vanessa Lopez

Vanessa Lopez

Middle School Learning Specialist

Michelle Lott

Kajal Maniar

Kajal Maniar

School Counselor
Alysse Mastrude

Alysse Mastrude

Enrollment Specialist
Sabrina Mora

Sabrina Mora

Instructional Assistant
Sabara Oehlschlaeger-Browne

Sabara Oehlschlaeger-Browne

Instructional Assistant
Maryanne Olstead

Maryanne Olstead

Front Desk Coordinator
Allison Parker

Allison Parker

Instructional Assistant
Emily Parker

Emily Parker

Instructional Assistant
Ellie Parsons

Ellie Parsons

Extended Day Program Staff
Eleanor Patz

Eleanor Patz

Kindergarten Teacher
Amy Petty

Amy Petty

2nd Grade Teacher
Juliette Pinsky

Juliette Pinsky

3rd Grade Teacher
Chris Reardon

Chris Reardon

Instructional Assistant
Louise Reed

Louise Reed

Instructional Assistant
Lisa Renn

Lisa Renn

Pre-Kindergarten Teacher
Bella Renz

Bella Renz

Instructional Assistant
Roger Robertson

Roger Robertson

Kindergarten Teacher
Catey Roe

Catey Roe

Director of Teaching & Learning
Annette Romano

Annette Romano

Extended Day Program Staff
Kylee Rousselot

Kylee Rousselot

EL & LS Music Teacher